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How to Use AI to Generate Leads: A Comprehensive Guide With Actionable Tips

November 6, 2023

91% of marketers say that lead generation is their primary goal. Businesses increasingly face intense competition and seek innovative methods to acquire quality, top-notch leads for faster growth.

Traditional lead generation involves email blasts, trade shows, and cold-calling, but 96% of people find those tactics disruptive. The next generation of lead generation involves using artificial intelligence (AI) to automate generation, qualifying, and nurturing.

AI allows quick and efficient identification, nurturing, and conversion of potential customers into loyal clients. It's completely changing the game for businesses in search of new customers. This guide delves into strategies to leverage AI's capabilities for a competitive edge in lead generation.

If you’re wondering how to use AI to generate leads, here’s how.

Understanding Lead Generation and the Effect of AI

Lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers or leads for a business's products or services. It involves various strategies and techniques to capture the interest and contact information of individuals or organizations who may become customers. The traditional lead generation process typically involved manual and often labor-intensive methods, such as cold calling, trade shows, and direct mail. However, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed lead generation.

Switching to AI-powered tools will allow you to modernize your lead generation efforts. By knowing how to generate leads using AI-driven tools for the lead generation process, you will be able to deliver high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Why Should Marketers and Business Owners Use AI in Marketing?

AI is a powerful marketing tool. It generates high-quality leads and improves customer engagement. It allows you to analyze data, automate tasks, and predict customer behavior.

According to McKinsey, commercial leaders feel optimistic about the potential of gen AI in marketing and sales. They think it can help find leads, improve marketing, and personalize customer outreach. Research indicates that 90% of these leaders expect to use gen AI solutions often in the next two years. Meanwhile, HubSpot reports a 451% increase in qualified leads through automation. So, what does this mean for you? Here are some compelling ways to learn how to use AI to generate leads.

1. Data-Driven Lead Profiling

AI-powered lead profiling eliminates guesswork by using data for accurate results. It collects various data, like demographics, online behavior, and engagement history. Identifying patterns in the data can help you create customer profiles that guide your strategies.

AI depends on accurate data and also keeps data clean by fixing inconsistencies. It automatically validates data, which helps in identifying and correcting inconsistencies such as incorrect types, range of values, data validity, and more.  Knowing how to use AI for lead generation means implementing a system like Zendesk’s AI solution. It offers data-driven lead profiling, which can help you streamline your lead qualification process.

2. Predictive Lead Scoring

Predictive lead scoring is where AI truly excels. By assigning scores to leads based on factors like their level of engagement, interest, and likelihood of converting into a customer, AI models can assist your team in prioritizing their efforts so you no longer need to keep pursuing leads, making your leads scoring more intelligent than ever. AI can identify the ones with the likelihood of conversion, allowing your sales team to concentrate on valuable opportunities and efficient work.

Platforms like Akkio and Pecan AI are examples of AI software that uses predictive lead scoring. Hubspot has a lead scoring system that automatically tells your team how warm a lead is so they can better prioritize their time.

Use knowing how to generate leads using AI to prioritize high-qualified leads and maximize your sales team’s productivity.

3. Personalized Content Recommendations

Generic content that fits everyone you want to target is a thing of the past. Content recommendation engines powered by AI can analyze user preferences and behaviors to suggest hyper-personalized content that would resonate with them. Personalization includes tailoring marketing emails, blog content, product recommendations, and ads to enhance engagement and conversion rates.  

If a user likes articles about digital marketing, the AI system can suggest related content. The suggestions can include SEO guides or social media advertising tips. This personalized touch keeps people interested and builds trust in your brand. Both ChatGPT and Norby offer personalized content recommendations that you can tailor to your liking.

4. Chatbots and Conversational AI

Chatbots and conversational AI have become indispensable assets when it comes to how to use AI to generate leads. Businesses can use them to connect with potential customers, quickly answer questions, and identify and qualify leads based on specific criteria.

Chatbots serve as the first point of contact for website visitors and potential leads and are there 24/7 to answer questions. Before setting up your chatbot, decide on its purpose; what problems will your chatbot solve, and what type of integrations will it have? Answering these questions can help you narrow down what AI chatbot platform to use. LivePerson, Manychat, and Chatfuel are just a few that you can choose from.

5. AI in Events Marketing

AI and machine learning (ML) are transforming how businesses plan, execute, and evaluate the success of their events. These technologies introduce personalized experiences and data-driven decision-making, fundamentally reshaping event marketing strategies.

Platforms like Norby make event management easier. You can create, track, and engage with attendees all in one place. Norby has automatic tracking features. It teaches you how to use AI for lead generation and gets rid of spreadsheets. It also gives you a complete view of event performance.

By knowing how to use AI for lead generation, event organizers and marketers can optimize ROI while saving valuable time and resources with AI and ML. By streamlining event management, they improve attendee engagement and foster brand loyalty.

6. AI-Powered Email Marketing

So, how do you use AI to generate leads in email marketing?

If you’re wondering how to use AI to generate leads when it comes to email marketing, you can use it to analyze data from past email campaigns, customize content that resonates with your audience, and choose the best send times based on customer engagement, improving how effective your email marketing efforts are and increasing the likelihood of converting leads into loyal customers.

Businesses experience higher engagement and improved rates when using personalized approaches. According to Bluecore, personalized emails increase click-through rates by 139%. Personalized emails also have better open rates, according to Statista, with an 18.8% increase.

ChatGPT is a great place to start your email marketing adventures, or you can choose a more specialized platform like Jasper. Even as you begin using AI in your email marketing campaigns, don't forget to adhere to the best practices.

7. CRM Integration

There are a few benefits to integrating AI lead generation tools with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. Efficiently managing data, automating lead scoring, and facilitating automated lead nurturing are just a few.

Businesses can easily move leads from AI tools to their CRM, where sorting, assigning, and ranking occur. The integration prioritizes and tracks valuable leads, reducing the risk of them being lost somewhere in the pipeline. Stuck on how to generate leads using AI and a CRM system? Try Norby’s integrated AI-powered platform designed with CRM in mind.

8. Analytics and Optimization

AI-powered analytics offer data-driven insights that shape success. AI uses data to find trends, anomalies, and ways to improve lead-generation campaigns. It helps identify the best strategies and channels and quickly solves problems.

These data-driven insights pave the way for continuous improvements through AI by identifying areas for optimization. Continuous improvements allow AI to produce more effective strategies, allowing businesses to adjust to market changes and customer preferences, leading to sustained growth, better decisions, and better use of resources.

Using AI to generate leads is easy with analytics and optimization. You can use an AI-powered communications platform such as Norby to accomplish that, which allows you to send email campaigns, reminders, and alerts with our simple (but powerful) drag-and-drop builder. Also, try using text messages here to build deeper relationships with your audience and drive engagement for drops.

9. Case Studies and Success Stories

Real-life examples and case studies show how AI can help generate leads and improve results. These success stories show how businesses use AI to improve their marketing with valuable metrics and insights.

For instance, Ábiké Studio, Aliza Licht, and Leche Studios have all used Norby's AI lead generation to further their businesses.

  • Ábiké Studio has leveraged social media to own its audience. By choosing social media platforms that worked for them, diversifying their content across their socials, and using Norby's all-in-one marketing platform and CRM tools, they showcased their work and built their subscriber base.
  • Aliza Licht launched her latest book and grew her subscriber list with AI. With Norby, she created unique signup pages that gathered the contact information of people within her network and those interested in her book.
  • Leche Studios has successfully grown her freelance business all through Norby's platform. Norby allowed her to view her visitor's activity, leading to an optimized workflow.

The platform guided them through using AI to find business leads.

How to Use AI to Generate Leads: Implementation & Best Practices

AI-driven lead generation is the future, and using it can help you stay ahead of your competition.

Follow these best practices on how to use AI to generate leads:

  • Define Your Goals: When you think about how to use AI for lead generation, first think about your goals. Decide what you want to achieve, like getting more leads or improving data accuracy. Having well-defined objectives will guide your AI strategy effectively.
  • Choose the Right AI Tools: Consider factors like predictive analytics, chatbots, and personalization. Choose a suite of tools that match your goals and give helpful insights to make lead generation easier.
  • Integrate AI into Existing Processes: Start small by adding AI to existing workflows. Consider chatbots to answer customer questions or use predictive analytics for prioritizing leads.
  • Personalization: AI can customize messages and suggestions to increase engagement and conversion rates.
  • Chatbots for Engagement: Chatbots can answer questions, provide information, and capture lead data efficiently.
  • Lead Scoring with Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics assign scores to leads based on their likelihood to convert. This ranks high-potential leads so that your sales and marketing efforts focus on prospects most likely to convert.
  • Measure and Analyze: Track key metrics such as conversion rates, engagement levels, and ROI to fine-tune your strategies for the best results.

Future Trends and Emerging Technologies

Here are a few ways how to use AI to generate leads with future AI trends and technologies will help:

  • Hyper-personalization: AI algorithms will let businesses create personalized experiences, reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time. This will improve customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • AI-Powered Marketing Analytics: Advanced tools analyze customer behavior, informing decisions and adjusting strategies in real-time.
  • The Rise of Predictive Analytics: AI will help businesses accurately predict future trends, customer behavior, and market shifts. This will allow them to adapt their marketing strategies proactively and stay ahead of the competition.

AI is transforming the marketing landscape. Still, there are still some concerns with data privacy and ethical values in AI.

Businesses have the challenge of balancing personalization with privacy rights. To overcome these challenges, you should use AI tools that are secure. Look for tools that are fair, transparent, and accountable. Also, study up on privacy laws and train your employees the same. Being an expert on how to use AI for lead generation means being an expert on the ethics of such technology.

Embrace the Future of AI

AI is transforming the lead generation landscape. Its capacity to analyze data, forecast behavior, and personalize interactions has revolutionized businesses of all scales. By embracing how to generate leads using AI technology, you can accelerate your lead generation growth, effectively target your desired audience, and convert leads into customers. The future of generation is already here – intelligent and innovative.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can unlock the full potential of AI and how to use AI to generate leads, drive growth, and foster meaningful connections with their target audience. The guide provides you with useful lead generation and marketing prompts. With it, you can easily choose the right AI model and create content that will better your lead generation efforts.

Excited to explore the possibilities of how to generate leads using AI? Meet Norby, the AI-powered communications platform designed to help you grow. Host events, send text and email campaigns, collect leads, and more - to start, or scale - whatever it is you’re building.

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